... parties, local entrepreneurs and mining companies in El Salvador, " the news release added,
The project to approve a "Prohibition of Metallic Mining in El Salvador " remains stagnant in the Legislature. ...
... latent:
To date, metal mining remains a threat to the Salvadoran population and its natural resources as well as the more than 40 cross-border mining projects that threaten to contaminate our country, ...
... in the Central American region, while the indifference of our own government to protect us from contamination stemming from neighboring countries remains, 49 projects along our borders have the potential ...
... of civil war El Salvador remains a fragile country both politically and economically. With a geographical territory a third the size of Tasmania, a population of 6.2 million and scare water resources, ...
... date, the process remains open, and a law that bans mining is the only way to avoid the actions taken by mining companies and possible suits against the government. According to Gonzalez, as long as the ...
... of the tiny, impoverished country has decided to block all mining within El Salvador’s borders out of fear that a mishap could contaminate the country’s water supply.
But Mr. Shrake says he remains committed ...
... our inspiration of the Salvadoran anti-mining movement, we mobilized and defeated the attempt to change these laws. But the threat remains.
Today, as we wait with the Mesa for the ICSID’s decision, it ...
... their power in the Legislative Assembly, it remains to be seen how they control voting in the party. In the past, including during campaigning, individual GANA representatives have stated their support ...
... 19 de Octubre, 2005).
Mining and the threat of violence in El Salvador:
Seventeen years after the end of the bloody civil war in El Salvador, the country remains highly polarized. Communities struggling ...
... basis, the case remains before the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
Pacific Rim is demanding $301 million US dollars in compensation from the government ...