... a mine in their area.
Then in March 2018, the company began building an access road to the planned mine site and community members reported that the Guapinol River, a vital source of drinking water for ...
... in Crawfish Rock, Roatán, as she remembers her grandmother who passed away last May at 90 years old. “She was the one who fought for us to have the road, the school, water, all of the basic projects… the ...
... standards.
Many Lancaster County residents embraced the mine because of the hundreds of jobs it would bring to Kershaw, a poor town of about 2,000 people. The Haile mine, just up the road from Kershaw, ...
Liam Meisner
Any future government that’s concerned about environmental and human rights issues will have to rein in mining companies operating abroad. Walter Aduviri knows better than anyone ...
... Ordinary People Saved A Country from Corporate Greed, Robin Broad and John Cavanagh tell the harrowing, inspiring saga of El Salvador’s fight – and historic victory – to save their water, and their communities, ...
... with the domestic legal system.
Foreign investors can reduce the risk of investing abroad by ensuring that their investments benefit from the protections contained in investment treaties. This is not ...
The railroading of public hearings for the Teesta dam, a China-funded hydropower project approximately worth $1 billion, poses threats to the earthquake-prone environment and customary rights of Lepcha ...
... Director of the Association of Participatory Broadcasting of El Salvador (ARPAS), Leonel Herrera, denounced the U.S. government's influence in El Salvador’s policy decisions, including regarding the recent ...
... to pressure the company for greater benefits.
On September 4, the day after the encampment was set up, the company released a communiqué referring to it as an “illegal road blockade.” Such statements ...
... received from the Honduran government. But in 2018, the company began building an access road to the planned mine site, which it will use to transport iron oxide to a pelletizing plant in the nearby city ...
... opening an alternate road in Kasibu town, after the main road was made impassable, because of the overflow of the mine tailings pond. We demand that DILG Sec. Ano immediately revoke any order to the ...
... , a major political powerbroker who before his death in 2015 was accused of land grabs, violent repression and links with drug traffickers.
Over the next few years, mining permits were issued and road ...
... added: “The Belarusian democratic opposition is an inevitably broad concept and this candidacy presents a comprehensive vision that reflects the reality of a diverse opposition and clearly supports the ...
... project, and by the spring of 2018, Pinares started widening a road within the park. Residents say their drinking water systems filled up with mud, which they reported to local authorities.
With no response, ...
... the banners declaring, “If they were taken alive, we want them back alive.” In the weeks since there have also been demonstrations in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, as well as protests abroad in the United ...
... Disputes]” declared the president of Ositrán, the Peruvian government transport infrastructure agency, when Peru’s Congress in April suspended the collection of road tolls during the COVID-19 emergency. ...
... military troops being deployed instead to enforce the world’s longest and harshest COVID-19 lockdown sans real public health solutions.
Duterte’s ‘yes men’ in Congress railroaded the Antiterrorism Law, ...
... consulted in the granting of its mining license.
June 19: Protesters in the town of Casillas block the main road linking Guatemala City to the Escobal mine.
July 5: The supreme court issues a provisional ...
... their residents now have to worry about investor lawsuits.
In Peru, for example, where families are clogging the roads as they flee the country’s crowded cities in fear of the virus, a proposed emergency ...
... and Climate Change of the Legislative Assembly.
The objective of the letter was to remind the deputies of the Committee that, together with broad sectors of civil society and its organizations, the organizations ...