... to the people’s objection to this Canadian company’s attempt to extend their plunder of Didipio’s mineral reserves,” said Douglas Booker, General Secretary of the International Campaign for Human Rights ...
... scheme. However, given the highly secretive nature of ISDS in general and TPF specifically, the extent of third-party funding among Canadian investors is likely much greater than the handful of cases we ...
... Tribunals like ICSID are not courts of law, but rather secretive panels of highly-paid corporate lawyers who have no obligation to respect precedent of any sort in their decisions.
KCA is one of a growing ...
... Secretary General of the Ombudswoman of Human Rights, Omar Serrano, the Vice Rector of the UCA, and Ms. Morales from ADES. They spoke of water as a human right that supports all other human rights—including ...
... to avoid paying for exploiting water resources and regulation. A report by the Secretary of Citizen Participation on the financing of political parties indicates that sugar mills, including CASSA, El ...
... brought its claim directly to Washington, D.C. And, after an initial stage, the proceedings and rulings were made in secret, with no public disclosure (except that posted by the Salvadoran government) ...
... Environmental Secretary who ordered the suspension of the Didipio mine was not confirmed under heavy pressure from the mining lobby in the Philippines in May, but the underlying conflicts have not gone ...
Since OceanaGold acquired Pacific Rim in 2013, members of the the Maritime Union of Australia, along Salvadorean and Filipino residents in Melbourne, have held monthly solidarity actions to demand that ...
... of extractivism perpetuated by OceanaGold, and that thousands of like-minded social movements are collectively working to defeat corporate plunder and injustice. Padayon!#
Leon Dulce represented the secretariat ...
Republished from Both ENDS
See chapter on "ISDS, Extractive Industries and the Pacific Rim vs El Salvador case" on page 231, written by Sarah Anderson and Manuel Perez Rocha from the Institute for Policy ...
... as in the rest of Latin America, like regular secret services. They are the theater directors, controlling their actors”.
Many in the anti-mining movement suspect Rodrigo Chávez, the ex-vice-president ...
... and wild life.
Melara said that as a faction of the FMLN, they consider that mining should be completely prohibited.
Johnny Wright, ARENA deputy and secretary of the Environment Commission, also said ...
... party has proposed alternatives that would allow mining to continue.
The Secretary of Government Transparency, for his part, said that while there are no advances in discussions about the general law, ...
... of the fact that a conflict existed before 2008.
However, in the cable just declassified, referred to as CO5849485, it is found that the former Ambassador Glazer reported to the then Secretary of State, ...
... the Legislative Assembly of Chalatenango, the Secretariat of Citizen Participation of the Presidency of the Republic and the Attorney for the Defense of Human Rights, in addition to national and international ...
... protections,” the TPP and TTIP will pave the way for many more instances of investor-state settlements that allow companies to sue governments for billions through highly secretive hearings and supra-national ...
... of corporate-friendly provisions buried in trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret tribunal is on the brink of issuing a ruling any day that that could force the Central American country ...
... large-scale mining on environmental grounds could be punished any day now by the secretive International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in Washington, DC. Gálvez's organization ...
... incorporated into possible new trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said, “Here again is a case of a multinational ...
... recognized Congresswoman Lourdes Palacios, fifth Secretary of the Legislative Assembly and member of the Environment and Climate Change Commission, a she evaluates the progress of the legislature that ...