... Flaviano Bianchini, mining operations by other companies date back as far as 1904.
On the edge of the river there are a number of houses. Living there would be a pleasant experience if the pollution ...
... Group’s pleas seem to have not swayed the ICSID which decided on December 19th, 2011 to stay the arbitration proceedings. According to Salvadoran journalist and former Ambassador, Neto Rivas, the company ...
Pac Rim Announces Pending ICSID Decision, the Social Movement
Monday April 30, Pacific Rim announced in a press release on MarketWatch that the company had been informed by the ICSID that ...
... Office. All of the demands and most of the language of the statement are a direct translation from the Mesa's own document (that way, we know that the content has been approved)
Please take a momen ...
... the way in which it wants to build its own destiny. We are pleased and excited by the strength you, as civil society, are showing today because together we are telling the world that human rights, labor ...
... and links with drug traffickers.
Over the next few years, mining permits were issued and road construction began even as communities filed legal complaints, held protests and pleaded with officials to ...