... detention review hearings, the men continue to be detained.
Two weeks ago the Appeals Court finally released its ruling on the men’s appeal, five months late, and the results are devastating. Not only ...
... after the Los Pinares mining company and the Public Prosecutor's Office filed false charges against them. At the end of their initial hearing on September 1, 2019, Judge Lisseth Vallecillo ordered pre-trial ...
... to the detriment of Santos Corea. In relation to hearings that took place in March 2019 of a separate group of water defenders, the Appeals Court revoked the definitive dismissal of the case that had been ...
... Goodman.
We turn now to Honduras, where preliminary hearings are set to begin today for one of the men accused of murdering the indigenous environmental activist Berta Cáceres, who was shot dead in her ...
... in front of court, government offices, or in city streets to be seen and heard. Even before the pandemic, the lives of water and land protectors have been increasingly at risk from legal persecution or ...
... try to revoke the measure. "In the initial hearing, the judge had the obligation to explain the reason why she was going to send them to preventive detention, but she did not do it," criticizes the lawyer ...
... to LIBRE. During the town hall, only the statements of the members of the head table were heard and the participation of local citizens was ignored. Once the meeting was over, the mayor and the deputies ...
... life at greater risk. A hearing is anticipated within the first half of 2020 in this case. Concurrently, a complaint is gradually proceeding before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against ...
... is chaired by Oscar Fredy Ayestas Ardiles and integrated by Iván Víctor Arias Calvo and Roger Díaz Haytara.
A group of followers of the regional political leader also attended yesterday's hearing while ...
... for human rights is at the heart of Canada’s international policies and engagement, and the Embassy in Manilla has been responsive in bringing the concerns raised by the miners to the mine operator.”
Canada’s ...
... to issues that are very heartfelt and significant at the national level, water is intimately linked and impacted by climate change.
We announce actions at local and national levels centered on raising ...
... English). ISDS claims are heard in courts such as ICSID and have been widely condemned for privileging corporate interests to the detriment of local communities and the environment. This mechanism allows ...
Beside the impacts on the environment and to the residents’ livelihood, the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) documented cases human rights abuses.
“We have heard accounts of intensified ...
... communities in the Puno region of Peru.
Here is a short extract from the DHUMA acceptance speech:
“If I had to summarize in a few words what is at the heart of our work I would say that it consists ...
... Central America–Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR). Community members from the peaceful resistance of ‘La Puya’ presented the letter to government authorities during a congressional hearing ...
... of the Cerro Blanco mine in Asuncion Mita, Guatemala. Photo: Karla Rodas"We have heard rumors, there are three people linked to the mine who come to the community, but they say no, they are lies (the rumors ...
... agreements, gives transnational companies binding recourse to a perverse international arbitration system known as Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). ISDS claims are heard in tribunals such as ICSID ...
... 0900, a hearing took place at the Supreme Court in Lima, Peru to analyze the case of Walter Aduviri, the last Aymara spokesperson charged in relation to the case known as the Aymarazo. The Court must decide ...
... crimes committed during the socio-environmental conflict known as the “Aymarazo” in 2011.
On September 17th, 2018, the Peruvian Supreme Court will hear Aduviri’s appeal in Lima. According to the Sign-On ...
... in cases of social protest."
After various hearings, of the 100 people investigated ten would go on to face trial. Nine of the defendants were acquitted in July last year due to ‘insufficient evidence’. ...