... hours north of Lima, has been blockading this project given their concerns over potential contamination of their water sources and impacts on their livelihoods as successful peach farmers. Earlier talks ...
... a threat for El Salvador as several border towns may be impacted by the contamination released due to their location at just at 6 kilometers away.
The Ostúa River starts in Asunción Mita, and carries ...
... opening of an iron oxide mine; they consider that the mine puts the natural resources of the area at risk. According to the residents, the contamination of local rivers already occurred during the previous ...
... company and protect the Guapinol and San Pedro rivers from contamination.
Through of an amicus curiae brief, CEJIL presented arguments, based on international human rights law standards, to ask that the ...
... been leading a local fight against water contamination and social divisions arising from a nearby barite mine operated by Canadian company Blackfire Exploration. He had been facing threats from people ...
... Law against mining exploration and exploitation. As a result of this law, some considerations have to be taken into account, especially in the case of the San Sebastián Mine, due to the impact of water contamination ...
... than half a million inhabitants due to the potential cross-border contamination of water sources.
A study authored by biologist, Cidia Cortes in collaboration with the National Roundtable against Mining ...
... by Pérez, caused excessive deforestation, contamination of water supplies and the disappearance of fish from the rivers due to mining waste that was not properly discarded.
According to Dominguez, before ...
... organizations and communities that have denounced the abandonment of mines in a state of contamination by unscrupulous mining companies;
Deepen the dialogue and analysis on the current situation of criminalization ...
* Edgardo Ayala - Contrapunto
Despite of a two year mining prohibition, the ghost of mining does not fade away for communities in El Salvador that are exposed to crossborder contamination that may cause ...
... Ana mining project, owned by the Canadian company Bear Creek. The mobilization demanded the cancellation of the project due to the risk of contamination of their water sources (including Lake Titicaca, ...
... usage and risk of contamination of local water sources. The region is largely an agricultural and livestock area that includes important local rivers such as the Callacami and the Desaguadero River. Lake ...
... these projects.”
The communities near the mine have organized to challenge the project, which is operated by KCA. The communities fear that the mine will lead to the contamination and destruction of ...
... system ANDA.
That is to say, the law proposes the creation of a mechanism that allows the legalization of dispossession (exploitation and contamination) currently carried out by some companies (such ...
... Mr. McKinley says. “But private enterprise is the reason for so much misuse and contamination. It has been the [source] of problems, not the solution.” He says users and regulators should have distinct ...
... improve the perilous social conditions of the community:
to conduct works to stop the acid drainage and to clean up the contamination left by the company,
to immediately begin works to provide access ...
... 2005, local organizations began to demand a national metal mining prohibition, that all existing exploration licenses were rescinded, and that contamination left by already existing mining projects be ...
... This contamination is the outcome of the past mineral extraction.
The members of CRIPDES point out that Commerce Group, the company responsible for the acid drainage, "has disappeared". Thus, it is impossible ...
... involved in protests against the mine were murdered there in 2012. The mining operation was recently ordered suspended after complaints of water contamination, forcible and illegal demolition of homes, ...
... Environment and Natural Resources, 90 percent of the country’s rivers and streams suffer from some level of contamination. Mining is water-intensive and comes with a high risk of polluting this key and ...