... Colindres speaks of about 1.3 million ounces of gold – for a market value of more than a billion dollars. And OceanaGold continues to advertise the project. Disguised behind different names, the company ...
... the top by foot. During the 1980-1992 Civil War, this mountain - which is named after a blood-sucking insect - was an important strategic point. The view is stunning: green ridges and mountains fade in ...
... and was filed in mid-2009.
The expert in international litigation emphasizes that while the paperwork was emerging at diplomatic level, Pacific Rim transferred the name of the mining company from the ...
... the use of community water supplies. When Oceana Gold acquired Pacific Rim, the Vancouver-based company had little more to its name than a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. The only advantage for a major ...
... he doesn’t skip a beat as he describes recent violence in his small Salvadoran village, running dates and names, his own included. Someone fired shots at Guevara’s home in October 2013. An anonymous person ...